
Oh! Hi! Didn't see you there. I'm Haoda Fan. I'm a recently graduated Computer Science student from the University of Waterloo. I currently work for Blackbird Interactive on their recently announced Minecraft Legends title. I love programming, math, maths, music, and making drawings on paint that look like they were made in less than three seconds.

This website contains all kinds of information about me and the stuff I did. Professional content includes my resume, and side projects. Unprofessional content includes my comics! This entire website is kind of an about me page honestly, so I'm not too sure what I else I should put here.

Here is some miscellaneous information about yours truly:

What are my other (non work/school related) interests?

  • History! Ask me anything about the World Wars, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, or the Mongols. I also have a bad habit of buying really expensive history books, reading one chapter, then promptly forgetting about it.
  • Piano! It's been a while since I've taken actual piano lessons, but I still occasionally play. The only piece I can confidently play though is Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca. Also thank you to all my friends for making PIANO (???) my most endorsed skill on linkedin. I knew I could count on you guys.
  • Cooking! I cook a lot on co-op terms. My most famous dish is my Lao Gan Ma noodles which I will bring to your next potluck event.
  • Singing! I've been getting into singing ever since I joined ACE in my fourth year.
  • Games! Hit me up if you think you can beat me in Starcraft or if you want me to support you in Dota :D

What is my lame claim to fame?

  • I accumulated over 15k likes/reacts on the facebook group Subtle Asian Traits for my two short comics about asian childhood: (1) (2)
  • One of my stick figures was featured for about a total of about 5.3 seconds on a laggy video
  • My pro gamer career truly kicked off when I got publicly roasted by Harstem.
  • PLUS I won a TROPHY for this tournament.

What are some things I almost accomplished but didn't quite

  • I almost did grade 10 piano but decided not to because basic harmony already scarred me enough (I commend anyone who can COMPOSE or even IMPROV music because I for sure can not)
  • I almost made two history related youtube videos until these two videos scooped my subjects and I realized that the video I was making would be no where near as good as theirs :'(
  • I almost went night skiing on mont bromont but when I walked outside I thought it was too cold so I cancelled. I swear I'm not lame btw
  • I almost won a trophy from the Starcraft 2 GdA Noob Tournament. But as usual, I got second place. Call me yellOw cause I'm the King of Silver for diamond 3 tourneys. (EDIT: I WON THE NEXT ONE THO)

Other mildly interesting facts about me and my life in an unordered list

  • I look like a high school student even today in third year. Just last year, people were asking me while I was an orientation leader (a role you had to be at least in 2nd year to be in) if I was an actual student at this university or just volunteering from the local high school.
  • I spent 60 dollars on this domain but it is 1000000% worth because who else can have their last name as a second level domain?? Thanks, dad.
  • I spent my summer 2017 term in the Math In Europe program where on the day we were supposed to leave, I lost my PR card. I missed my flight and had to stay 5 extra day just to get paperwork to come back. oopsy poopsy